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« on: 10 February 2023, 12:34:52 »

ภาพสลักศิลาชุด รามเกียรติ์ -วัดโพธิ์ (ภาพลอกลาย)

ภาพสลักศิลาชุด รามเกียรติ์ -วัดโพธิ์ (ภาพลอกลาย)

จากวัดพระเชตุพนวิมลมังคลารามราชวรมหาวิหาร (วัดโพธิ์)

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Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Rama Greeted by Lakshana after Shooting a Marish (Golden Deer)

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Sita Taken by Demon-King Dasakantha in Rama's Absence

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok:: Dasakantha Killing the Bird Satayu and Escaping with Sita

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Sugrib Asking Rama's Help to Avenge His Wife Tara (on the right), Ravished by His Brother Bali

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Sugrib Challenging Bali to Single Combat at Khindkhin

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: First of a Pair of Images Showing Sugrib and Rama Fighting Bali

Thai Rubbing from Wat Po East: Second of a Pair of Illustrations Showing Sugrib and Rama Fighting Bali

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: First of a Pair of Illustrations Showing Rama Giving His Signet Ring and Sita's Scarf to Hanuman for Conveyance to Sita

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Second of a Pair of Illustrations Showing Rama Giving His Signet Ring and Sita's Scarf to Hanuman for Conveyance to Sita

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: The Three Monkey Kings Taking Their Army to Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Paklan Causing Hanuman, Sugrib and Angad to Sleep

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Paklan Asking Anglad's Mercy During Combat

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Angad Asking Paklan the Way to Lanka Before Releasing Him

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Encountering the Nymph Pushmali

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Pushmali Telling Hanuman the Way to Lanka Before He Releases Her

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Restoring Satayu's Elder Brother, the Bird Sambadi, Who Flies Him to Lanka in Return

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Defeating the She-Demon Sua Samut on His Way to Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Increasing in Size to Test the Rishi Narada's Powers

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Begs Rishi Narada's Mercy to be Freed of a Leech [seems to be reversed with 1960.4.20 in order of narrative]

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Attacked By Leech [seems to be reversed with 1960.4.20 in order of narrative]

« Last Edit: 20 March 2023, 23:16:05 by ppsan » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: 10 February 2023, 12:36:15 »

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Taking Leave of Rishi Narada on His Way to Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Defeating the Giant Guardians of Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Fighting the Giants at the Gates of Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Mistakes Mando for Sita in Dasakantha's Arms but Is Distracted from Killing Him by the Call of a Lizard

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha Appears to Sita at Nightfall

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha Following His Body Guard to Sita

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha Entreating Sita in Vain

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Sita Stopped from Hanging Herself by Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Shows Rama's Signet Ring and Brings Sita News of Rama's Marching Against Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Uproots Trees in Dasakantha's Garden as Giants Try to Catch Him

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Kills Many Giants

Thai Rubbing from the East Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Kills the Thousand Sons of Dasakantha

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha's Son Indrajit Aids Giants with His Bow

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Indrajit's Arrow Becomes a Snake Around Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Frees Himself of Snake and Kills Giants

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Continuing to Kill Giants

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Continuing to Kill Giants

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Freeing Himself from the Giants' Mortar

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Kills Giants and the Elephant They Ride

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Lets Himself Be Bound by Indrajit, Set Afire and Brought Before the King of Lanka to Test the Demons' Power

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« Reply #2 on: 10 February 2023, 12:38:24 »

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Snaps His Bonds and Runs Through Lanka, Setting it Afire

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha, His Favorite Wife Mando, and Other Women Flee Lanka as It Burns

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Daskantha's Son Indrajit and Brother Bibhek Leave Lanka with Their Wives

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha's Sister Sammanakkha, Brother Kumbhakarana and His Wives Flee Lanka as It Burns

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha's Wives Flee Burning Lanka to the Mountain Satana

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha Mourning at Satana with His Wives and Courtesans, His Soul Contained in a Chest

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Dasakantha's Retinue Prepares Camp

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Mahothorn Asks Indra to Rebuild Dasakantha's Palace

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Indra Descends with Other Gods to Rebuild Dasakantha's Palace

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Appears to Give Daskantha the Astrologicial Interpretation of His Dream

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Foretells Disaster for Dasakantha Unless He Returns Sita to Rama

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Banished from Lanka

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Monkey King Jambu's Nephew Nilabad Meets Bibhek in the Wood

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Nilabad and His Soldiers Fetter Bibhek and Brings Him to Rama

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Lakshana Explains Bibhek's Story to Rama; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.56

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Pledges Eternal Assistance to Rama;

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Pledges Allegiance with Nam Sabahn (Consecrated Water)

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Nilabad and Hanuman Witness Bibhek's Pledge with Consecrated Water

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Lakshana and Rama

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek, Sugrib and Rama Inspect the Monkey Army

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« Reply #3 on: 10 February 2023, 12:39:50 »

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Bibhek Admires the Monkey Army in the Presence of Sugrib and Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: The Monkey Army Blocks the Sun, Cracks the Mountains, Walks on Water and Penetrates the Earth

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Sugrib and Hanuman Detect the Disguised Demon Shukransara; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.64

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Hanuman Capturing Demon Spy Shukrasara; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.63

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok: Rama Enthroned; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.66

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Bibhek Uses Magic to Detect the Disguised Demon Shukrasara and Warns Rama; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.65

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dasakantha's Spy Shukrasara Flogged and Tattooed

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Shukrasara Freed to Return to Dasakantha in Shame

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dasakantha Orders Bibhek's Daughter Benjakaya to Assume Sita's Form and Pretend to Be A Corpse in the River by Rama's Camp

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya Drives Her Carriage Through the Garden on the Way to Her Mother

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya Informs Her Mother of Daskantha's Orders

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya Visits Sita In Order to Observe Her for Purposes of Impersonation

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama and Lakshana Grieving for the False Sita

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Bibhek, Sugrib, Hanuman, and Rama's Warriors Lament for Sita, Until Hanuman Shows Doubt

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya Leaps from the Funeral Pyre and Is Captured by Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the South Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya Confesses After Sugrib's Whipping, A Monkey Scribe Records It, and Rama Asks Her Father Bibhek to Judge Her

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Benjakaya, Condemned to Death by Bibhek and Freed by Rama's Mercy, Is Accompanied to Lanka by Hanuman, Who Makes Her His Own

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Orders Sugrib, Nilabad and Hanuman to Build a Bridge to Lanka; forms a complete illustration with 1960.4.79

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Sugrib, Nilabad and Hanuman Bring Their Troops to the Bridge Site, Where It Is Decided That Nilabad's Troops Will Pass Stones to Hanuman's; forms a complete illustration with 1960.4.78

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Nilabad Avenges His Uncle Jambu by Passing Stones to Hanuman at a Strenuous Rate

« Last Edit: 26 February 2023, 15:36:10 by ppsan » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: 10 February 2023, 12:40:43 »

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Successfully Catches Two Stones Thrown Simultaneously by Nilabad

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman and Nilabad Exchange Their Duties as the Bridge-building Continues

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Ties Rocks to the Hairs of His Body and Challenges Nilabad to Catch Them

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Nilabad Tries in Vain to Catch Hanuman's Stones

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Sugrib Separates Nilabad and Hanuman and Brings Them to Rama

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Asks Sugrib to Decide Punishment for Hanuman and Nilabad; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.87

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Nilabad Ordered to Return to Khidkhin and Provide Supplies as Sugrib's Regent, While Hanuman Charged with Finishing the Bridge in Seven Days; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.86

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Hurls Rocks Into the Sea While Working On the Bridge

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Progress Is Slow on the Bridge Despite the Monkey Army's Effort

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dasakantha's Daughter, the Mermaid Suvaranamaccha, Has Fishes Take Hanuman's Rocks Away into the Sea

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Pursues the Fishes, Regains His Rocks from Suvaranamaccha and Seduces Her

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Suvaranamaccha in the Arms of Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Crosses the Bridge in Indra's Chariot

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman's Army Praying for the Gods' Blessing

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Makontan Sentenced to Death for Leading Hanuman's Army into the Region of the Giant Bhanuraj

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; The Giant Bhuanuraj Puts Poisonous Fruits in the Path of Hanuman's Army and Turns Himself into a Forest Wherein He May Destroy Them, But Is Detected by Hanuman

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Kills Bhanuraj

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Brings the Head of Bhanuraj to Rama and Is Praised; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.99

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Sends Angad to Dasakantha with Ultimatum; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.98

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Angad Uncoils His Tail High as Dasakantha's Throne as He Explains Rama's Ultimatum

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« Reply #5 on: 10 February 2023, 12:41:39 »

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Angad Kills Dasakantha's Four Generals

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Angad Destroys Daskantha's Palace Gate and Leaves

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; At Dasakantha's Orders, Vaiyavik and Novayik Ride to Maiyarab, King of Patal

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Vaiyavik and Noyavik Ask Maiyarab's Help for Dasakantha

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Maiyarab Destroys His War Chariot in Rage When His Mother Objects to His Fighting

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Maiyarab Produces A Sleeping Powder for His Enemies

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Takes Rama's Camp into His Mouth for Protection from Maiyarab

Thai Rubbing from the West Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Maiyarab Kidnaps Rama from Hanuman's Mouth

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Meets and Fights Macchanu, Realizing Finally that They are Father and Son

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Maiyarab's Sister Birakvan Smuggles Hanuman into the Palace in the Form of a Lotus Fibre

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Defeats Maiyarab by Killing the Bee That Holds His Soul

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Returns to Camp with Maiyarab's Head

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Kumbhakarna Supports Rama but Must Obey His Brother Dasakantha's Orders to Avenge Maiyarab; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.114

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Kumbhakarna Calls His Troops to Arms; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.113

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Kumbhakarna in His Lion-Drawn War Chariot, Armed with the Spear Mokkhasakti; forms complete illustration with 1960.4. 116

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; The Demon and Monkey Armies Battle; forms complete illustration with 1960.4. 115

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Angad Mutilates Giants in Battle

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Kills Giants in Battle

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Bibhek, Although Fighting for Rama, Takes His Dying Brother Kumbhakarna in His Arms; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.120

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Appears as Narayana and Kills Kumbhakarna with an Arrow; forms complete illustration with 1960.4.119

« Last Edit: 03 March 2023, 15:02:44 by ppsan » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: 10 February 2023, 12:42:26 »

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Indrajit Shoots Down Lakshana and Monkey Warriors with Serpents from the Sky

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; At the Site of Lakshana's Defeat, Bibhek Instructs Rama to Call Garuda with the Arrow Blaivat

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Garuda Routs the Serpents and Lakshana Revives, Along with the Monkey Warriors

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Garuda Kills the Serpents and Lakshana Revives

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Shoots a Diamond Net Over the Fleeing Demon Virunmuk

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Pulls Virunmuk from His Horse

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Sugrib Judges Virunmuk as Monkeys Beat Him

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Virunmuk is Tattooed on the Face and Released

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Indrajit Prepares the Sacrifice of Kumbhaniya As Bibhek and Lakshana Approach to Stop Him

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Indrajit Fights with Lakshana

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Lakshana's Arrow Hits Indrajit

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Sasakantha, Mando and Indrajit: Indrajit Healed by His Mother's Milk

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Indrajit Drives His Tiger-Chariot to Chacravan Mountain

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Indrajit Fights Lakshana and Flees to the Clouds

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Lakshana Decapitates Indrajit with an Arrow

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama Burns Indrajit's Head to Save the World from Conflagration Caused by Brahama's Spell

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dasakantha Enthroned with the Brothers Sahassataga and Mulabalam, Crown-Prince of Pangtal

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dancers Entertain Dasakantha's Guests

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Dasakantha's Generals Feast

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Warriors Break Plates in Celebration

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« Reply #7 on: 10 February 2023, 12:43:28 »

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Sahassateja in His Lion-Drawn War Chariot with His Wives

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Mounted Warriors of Pangtal

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Mulabalam with His Ten-Metal Spear in His War Chariot

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Mounted Front Line of Mulabalam's Army

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Rama and Lakshana in Their War Chariot

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; The Monkey-Army Prepares for Battle

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Mulabalam Stabs Lakshana

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Lakshana is Revived by Hanuman in Angad's Arms

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Lakshana Shoots Mulabalam from Hanuman's Shoulders

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Lakshana's Arrow Reaches Mulabalam, Killing Giants on the Way

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Tricks Sahassateja Out of His Mace, Which Rules Over Life and Death

Thai Rubbing from the North Wall of the Temple of Wat Po, Bangkok; Hanuman Kills Sahassateja

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